Congratulations to our 2020 Scholarship Winners!
IPC Student Member Scholarships
IPC Education Foundation will be awarding $25,000 in scholarships to IPC Student Members. The scholarship recipients are members at the following IPC Student Chapters: Auburn University, Binghamton University, Colorado School of Mines, Gwinnett Technical College, Michigan Technological University, Oregon Institute of Technology, Purdue University, Triton College, University of California, Irvine, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Maryland, University of Maryland - Eastern Shore, University of New Orleans, University of Utah, and Valparaiso University.
Each IPC Student Member receives $1,000 designed not only to reduce the financial burden, but also to encourage students to enhance their knowledge and skills of real-word industry-related experiences.

Name: Adam Popper
IPC Student Chapter: Purdue University
Personal Statement: "This scholarship will allow me to continue to pursue my passion for electrical engineering through continuing my efforts to personally educate myself about IPC standards. This scholarship will go straight towards paying for me to continue my college education. Receiving this scholarship has brought me one step closer to a rewarding engineering career."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Aishwarya Gaonkar
IPC Student Chapter: University of Maryland
Personal Statement: "I am truly honored and thankful to be one of the recipients of the IPC student scholarship 2020. This scholarship goes a long way in encouraging me to build my career in the electronics industry. It also helps by reducing my financial burden of graduate school and allows me to concentrate on more important aspects such as learning."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Alan Montaño
IPC Student Chapter: Triton College
Personal Statement: "As a proud member of IPC, a diligent college student, and future mechatronics engineer, I am honored to receive this scholarship. This scholarship means a lot more than just the money. The IPC scholarship is an important, and aiding step in the immense ladder towards achieving my goal of earning a degree in the engineering field. I am truly glad to be an IPC member, and very grateful for this opportunity."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Arvind Srinivasan
IPC Student Chapter: Binghamton University
Personal Statement: "Coming from a reputable institution like IPC, this scholarship is of extreme importance to me. More than being a monetary support, this serves as an acknowledgement of my research work. Not only does it encourage me to achieve more but also provides me with an opportunity to gain exposure."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Brenda Sanchez
IPC Student Chapter: Triton College
Personal Statement: "The IPC Scholarship means an opportunity to continue shaping the world of engineering for women for future generations. This scholarship will award me the opportunity to further my education in Mechatronics Engineering and make an impact on the industry."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Henry Crandall
IPC Student Chapter: University of Utah
Personal Statement: "This scholarship embodies IPC's very real support of college students. I am very grateful to the entire IPCEF organization for their support of my education. This scholarship will allow me to continue to focus on my education, nano-manufacturing research, and grad school applications."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Jacob Leazott
IPC Student Chapter: Valparaiso University
Personal Statement: "I am so incredibly thankful to IPC for awarding me this scholarship. It will ease the burden of my financial strain of my tuition while giving me more time to focus on IPC activities and other electronic industry pursuits. Thank you once again IPC."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Jessica Marina Pina Carvalho de Melo
IPC Student Chapter: Auburn University
Personal Statement: "I am extremely grateful and honored for being selected as one of the recipients of the IPC scholarship. This means a lot to me, I am so happy and thankful that I get to be an E-board member of the Auburn University IPC chapter. I will be graduating next semester and these funds will be utilized to help pay for my tuition fees. Thank you so much for contributing to my success as an Industrial and Systems Engineering student."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: John McGraw
IPC Student Chapter: University of New Orleans
Personal Statement: "I am honored and humbled to be selected as a 2020 recipient of the IPC scholarship. The funds associated with this award will be a great help in allowing me to complete my degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Orleans. These funds will also enable me to pursue my interests in circuitry and robotics, something that will be of great value to me as I embark on my career upon graduation."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Matt Volpe
IPC Student Chapter: Oregon Institute of Technology
Personal Statement: "This scholarship means that I can continue into my senior year debt-free, and ensures that I can keep a balanced work schedule with school. These funds will help me reach a bachelor's degree in Embedded Systems Engineering Technology, and allow me to consider staying an extra year to complete an additional degree in Software Engineering Technology. This will help me to be a knowledgeable employee, and hopefully someday, a successful entrepreneur. Thank you!"
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Michael Ceraso
IPC Student Chapter: University of New Orleans
Personal Statement: "Thank you so much to IPCEF for this scholarship! With it, I will be able to purchase equipment for my home lab that will enable me to further develop my skills and understanding of electronics design and development. It's an exciting time to join the electronics industry, and I can't wait to see what more is in store for me."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Mohamed el amine Belhadi
IPC Student Chapter: Auburn University
Personal Statement: "IPC scholarship means a lot to me. It shows that hard work always pays off. As a young researcher, this award helps fulfill my professional and academic goals and seek higher accomplishment. Thanks, IPCEF for giving me the opportunity to do so."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Mohammed Abueed
IPC Student Chapter: Auburn University
Personal Statement: "Dear IPC Scholar Committee, I am sincerely honored to have been selected as the recipient of the IPC Student Member Scholarship. Thank you for your generosity, which has inspired me to move forward in my research.As I am about to complete my education at Auburn University, I am very thankful for receiving your thoughtful scholarship. Because of your scholarship, it helps me to pay for part of professional training courses related to the electronics industry. Thank you again for your thoughtful and generous scholarship."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Nyshaun Greene
IPC Student Chapter: University of Maryland - Eastern Shore
Personal Statement: "I am extremely honored to be a recipient of the IPC Student Membership Scholarship, this means a lot to me. It just goes to show that your hard work will pay off one day. I plan to use the funds to purchase equipment and components for small projects to practice and sharpen my skills."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Paige Fiet
IPC Student Chapter: Michigan Technological University
Personal Statement: "I'd like to thank the IPC Education Foundation for honoring me with this scholarship. I've been involved with IPC for the past year and have been impressed by their work in the industry as well as with students such as myself. This scholarship is going to help me continue my journey towards my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering. I plan to continue my studies at Michigan Tech in the Electrical Engineering program with an anticipated graduation in December of 2021."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Randall Cheng
IPC Student Chapter: University of California, Irvine
Personal Statement: "The IPC Scholarship means plenty to me because I have high aspirations for my education but lack the funds to pursue many of them. As a student that has my own debt, scholarships and grants help me afford more educational benefits such as supplies for individual research and development, graduate school, and more. As I get closer to my goals through programs such as financial assistance from scholarships such as IPC, I hope to achieve the goals I have planned out for myself. I am thankful to IPC for helping me get closer to reaching my goal through this scholarship award."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Raviteja Boyana
IPC Student Chapter: University of Maryland
Personal Statement: "I feel elated to be selected as the scholarship winner for the second consecutive academic year. The scholarship has been a constant source of financial and motivational support, especially during these tough times. These funds would allow me to focus on my job search soon after my graduation next month i.e., in December. I cannot wait to contribute the best of my abilities to the electronics industry. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the IPC education foundation for constantly supporting students to explore beyond their boundaries. I look forward to being a part of the organization even after my graduation."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Rishabh Chaudhary
IPC Student Chapter: University of Maryland
Personal Statement: "Receiving this scholarship motivates me of my current hard work I have been doing during my Masters at the University of Maryland and pushes me to work more towards my goals; Reliability engineer working successfully in the electronics industry. I thank IPC for this opportunity, and I will be utilizing these funds when I am in need to take short industry-based courses, attend and give certification exams, and things that will aid in my career."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Sandro Figueroa
IPC Student Chapter: Gwinnett Technical College
Personal Statement: "I cannot be more grateful for every opportunity that IPC has provided me since I joined. This scholarship means more opportunities for me in that I am able to invest in my career via online learning, tools for work, or even electronic equipment to create and test electronic circuits at home. I will very likely utilize my funds on paying for textbooks for the coming semester and the rest for electronics equipment and experiments so I may exercise my electronic curiosity as often as I'd like. Since I pay incredibly high tuition, this scholarship is extremely useful and it will most certainly aid my career in the field of electronics. Thank you IPC!"
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Suraj Ravimanalan
IPC Student Chapter: University of Maryland
Personal Statement: "I am truly grateful for the scholarship support from IPC. This scholarship greatly increases my self-esteem and confidence to pursue a career in the electronics industry. I will utilize the funds to perform the experiments for my research in the field of reliability of electronic products."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: William Peyton
IPC Student Chapter: Colorado School of Mines
Personal Statement: "I am very grateful to have been chosen by the IPC Education Foundation for this scholarship. I will be using this to help pay for my continuing education at CSM, allowing me to focus more on my schoolwork and less on finances. I'm excited to continue studying electrical engineering and learn more about the electronics manufacturing industry. Thank you, IPCEF."
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: William Welch
IPC Student Chapter: University of California, Los Angeles
Personal Statement: "I would like to emphatically thank the IPC Education Foundation for this incredible scholarship opportunity! As a financially independent engineering student who has been waiting tables at nights to make it through college (previous to this year's closure of indoor restaurants), I cannot state enough how much I appreciate this financial assistance. After not being able to work for many months, this scholarship helps to ensure I have the funds to make it through this challenging time. It also, most importantly, gives me the ability to continue devoting time to success in my education. Thank you so much!"
Scholarship: $1,000

Name: Xin Wei
IPC Student Chapter: Auburn University
Personal Statement: "This profound scholarship definitely proves that my vigorous effort during the last year paid off. It’s an incentive motivation for me to work harder on my research as well as better organize our chapter in Auburn University. The funds would be used as travel expenses for conferences and financial support for my research."
Scholarship: $1,000
IPC Michael V. Carano Teacher Excellence Award

Name: Christopher T. Middlebrook, Ph.D.
Title: Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Affiliate Associate Professor Department of Physics
University: Michigan Technological University
Personal Statement: “I am really appreciative to have been nominated by my student(s) as well as being selected by the committee. My passion and drive has been strengthened by the recognition with an award of this magnitude. Receiving the award helps to promote the exciting educational and research programs to recruit and retain students at my university. My hope is that being selected for the award will inspire my colleagues and students to aspire for scholarships as well as other career enriching opportunities.”