Foundations of the Future

IPC Education Foundation 2024 Year in Review

The IPC Education Foundation had an incredible year in 2024! We’re proud of the progress we’ve made toward our mission: raising AWARENESS about exciting careers in the electronics manufacturing industry, providing students in high...

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IPC Education Foundation 2023 Year In Review

The IPC Education Foundation had a successful 2023! We are proud of our progress towards our mission:  Create AWARENESS of the careers the electronics manufacturing industry has to offer and promote opportunities to students in high...

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Awarding Scholarships & Awards in 2023

Charlene Gunter du Plessis, Sr Director : IPC Education Foundation

Providing scholarships and awards to hard working students who excel academically, showcasing a commitment to electronics manufacturing, and for being an active member of the...

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2022 Recap of Accomplishments

The IPC Education Foundation had a successful 2022! We are proud of our progress towards our mission:  Develop a pipeline of new talent entering the electronics industry by creating AWARENESS of the careers the electronics manufacturing...

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Interview with Hannah Nelson - Valparaiso University Chapter President and IPC Board of Directors Student Member Liaison


Charlene: Today I'm gonna have a conversation with Hannah Nelson. She is the president of our IPC student chapter at Valparaiso University and she also serves as the IPC student board liaison officer representing the IPC student members on the IPC...

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Foundations of the Future: Emerging Engineers Benefit from Mentorship

emerging engineer May 03, 2021

The IPC Emerging Engineer Program just graduated its first members in 2020, finishing up the first batch of the three-year program. While the Emerging Engineer Program was traditionally created for early-career professionals, IPC and the IPC...

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Interview with Tayler J. Swanson, MSc. – An Emerging Engineer

emerging engineer Sep 18, 2020

Tayler Swanson, MSc works as an Engineering Team Member at Digital Instruments, Inc. Tayler graduated from The Rochester Institute of Technology with a Master of Science in Manufacturing and Mechanical Systems Integration focused on Electronics...

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Interview with Olivia Lim - Manufacturing Engineer at Kimball Electronics an Emerging Engineer

emerging engineer Aug 25, 2020

Olivia Lim, a Manufacturing Engineer at Kimball Electronics was born in Hong Kong, China and graduated with degrees in mechanical and energy systems engineering from the University of Wyoming in 2016. She started working immediately following...

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Interview with Sarah Czaplewski - An Emerging Engineer

emerging engineer Jul 16, 2020

Sarah Czaplewski is a Senior Printed Circuit Board Qualification & Reliability Engineer and Master Inventor at IBM. She is responsible for qualification and quality management of IBM PCBs. Sarah joined IBM in 2014 as part...

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Interview with Maria I Colon - Sr Process Engineer II for Raytheon Technologies

emerging engineer May 01, 2020


Maria Colon works as a senior process engineer II at Raytheon Technologies. She’s been with her employer for 14 years supporting the manufacturing floor with processes related to adhesives, coatings, and solder. Maria also works with...

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